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Policies and Insurance



Hole in one

To have their hole-in-one acknowledged and recorded, a player must:

  • Be a financial member of the Amberley Golf Club

  • Be playing in an official competition as per the club programme (i.e Men’s Saturday and Wednesday competitions, Women’s Thursday and Saturday competitions, Tuesday Twilight competition, Wednesday Mixed 9-hole competition, or any other official event organised by the Match Committee, including all Interclub competitions, or Regional or National Golfing Body Events)

Having scored a hole-in-one in any of the above competitions, the player shall be entitled to a bar tab to the value of $250 to be redeemed at the club bar on a date the player chooses.

All Amberley Members who hole-in-one on the Amberley Course may choose to have their ball mounted on a trophy, provided by the Club.

The club will acknowledge a hole-in-one scored by a visitor playing in any of the above competitions by presenting them with a bottle of wine.

If an Amberley member scores a hole-in-one during an official competition on another Course and “shouts” at that Club’s bar, the Club will reimburse the player on production of a receipt, up to a value of $150. 



Resigning Member Subscriptions

Policy objective: To extend the practice of apportioning subs for new members to members planning to resign from the club part way through a season.  

Rationale:  Members that must pay a full sub when they know they can only continue playing for part of the season often choose not to pay any sub at all, which is of no benefit to the club or the member. 

Policy:  A member knowing they are not able to play a full season at the club may pay an apportioned sub to the time of their resignation.  This apportioned sub will be calculated at 1/12th of the full sub rounded up to the nearest $5 and must be sufficient to cover all direct costs associated with the membership i.e. affiliation fees, insurances etc.     

The member must advise the club in writing of their intended resignation and pay the apportioned subs when sub are due.  There will be no refunds given for subs already paid.      


New Member Subscriptions

Policy objective: To allow new members to pay an annual sub and start their golf year on opening day, which is generally one month before the subscription year starts.  

Policy:  A new member can enjoy membership benefits from the club opening day even though this may be before the date of their subscription entitlement. 


Starter Member Subscriptions

Policy objective: To allow starter members to play a full years golf at the reduced rate regardless of when they take out the subscription. 

Rationale:  Starter members may delay taking up a membership to the start of a season in order to achieve the full discount of the starter sub.  This delay could be avoided if the starter sub was allowed to run for a full year regardless of when it was taken out.   

Policy:  A starter member’s sub shall cover a full 12 month period regardless of when it is taken out.  When the starter sub ends the member may continue their membership by paying 1/12th for each month of the full member subscription year that remains.      

Club day prizes

Saturday Members Day

Members shall pay an entry fee of $2. Those paying Green Fees may also join the competition and pay the entry fee of $2 in addition to their green fee to do so. Balls, bar vouchers or prizes to the value of the total pool of entry fees will be distributed to winners of the day’s competition as directed by the club captains. Balls are deemed to have a value of $5 (Value is deemed to be the value the ball would normally be purchased at by an individual through a retail outlet.  It may not always reflect the amount paid by the club because the club will receive ball discounts or donations from time to time, which are given to the club to benefit all its members and not just those that play in competitions where balls are given) for this purpose i.e. the total pool of entry fees divided by $5 determines the number of balls to be given out.  Where the pool does not divide evenly and there is a residual value of $3 or more an extra ball may be given.  The person doing the results may choose to give an extra ball in exceptional circumstances e.g. when a very good score loses out on a count back.   

Balls to an average value of $5 will be made available as prizes. The recipient will be given a range of balls to choose from. They may also exchange the ball with one held in the club’s stocks if the one(s) offered during prize giving are not suitable. 


Twilight golf

The current entry fee is $3 for members and $10 for non-members.

The Twilight Golf administrators will use this money to purchase prizes as they see fit.  The twilight competition is operated for the enjoyment of members and to encourage new members.  It is not to be financially subsidised by the club and can produce an overall profit provided this does not conflict with its intended purpose.     


Included in your membership is public liability insurance, which covers you for a wide range of events resulting in damage you may accidently cause. Attached is our policy, which describes what you are covered for. If you find yourself in a circumatance that you may be covered for under this insurance please complete the attached claim form within 3 months of the event, and give to the club secretary. 

GCPLA Liability Policy Wording

GCPLA Claim Form

Equipment damage

As a result of a NZ Golf change, damage to your golfing equipment is no longer covered by your membership.  Please check your private insurance policy as it may be covered there. 

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